J’aime ma monture, mais ma correction a changé, puis- je la garder et changer uniquement les verres ?

Cela est envisageable mais, il faut que votre monture soit en excellent état et qu’elle supporte le montage de nouveaux verres.

Il serait dommage de faire des nouveaux verres et que la monture casse quelques jours/mois suivants.

How should I clean my glasses in this period?

9 is thought to remain on some materials for hours or days. For this reason, it’s advisable to regularly clean your glasses. A standard hand soap or glasses cleaning spray that contains detergent should be effective at removing potentially harmful microbes. Using antibacterial products such as hand sanitizer or household cleaning spray to clean your glasses is not recommended. This is because they probably contain alcohol or chemicals that could damage the lens surface of your glasses.

Where are your products made?

Our products are made in one of our Luxottica-owned plants in either the U.S., Italy or China depending on the product. When our products leave our factory, they are packed and shipped by a carefully trained staff member after undergoing extensive checks.